
Our business here at FootsNotes is to encourage young people to enlighten themselves.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sex is Zen

i've been thinking lately (about everything) and i have come the conclusion that sex is zen. What i mean is when you have sex on a regular basis you are happier and more centered. I believe that human beings are meant to have regular sex. i feel as if everyone had regular (good) sex people would be more in touch with their true selves. there would be no war. Think about it, when you go without it some things irritate you that may not irritate you when you you get it on the regular. sex is like the ultimate relaxation influence. i don't know about you but when i have good sexual intercourse on a regular basis, the world just seems a bit sweeter. If you  think i'm wrong, try and see for yourself. start having sex on the regular and watch how much better and stress free life is.

Love, Peace & Good Sex Family

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