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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NBA Lock-Out frustrations have reached HBO's Bryant Gumbel

Reading about Bryant Gumbel's statements concerning NBA commissioner David Stern made me think about how if caucasian men of power view black people who work under them as their slaves.
The fact that the NBA lock-out does not only affect black players ruled out the race issue from my theory. From there I started to wonder if its all people in positions of power who look at all people under them as slaves. And i'm not saying slaves in the sense that they do all of the work and the people in charge do nothing, but in that they do more than the people in charge, get paid less and are looked down upon. Often times i've been in situations where I feel like the person who works above me does less work than i did, but in the back of my mind i always knew that it would be hard for me to tolerate the work that they did.
In a situation like the NBA that feeling might be vise versa. It is clear the the players work much harder than the owners and other persons of power in this industry.
So why is David Stern making it so hard for this lockout to be over? In his statement Gumbel referred to the NBA dress code (and know we all remember that), the question is what was the reason for even that? Maybe it was a way for Stern to just show everyone that he is the one in charge. Think about it...
Bryant Gumbel's comments about NBA Commish

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