
Our business here at FootsNotes is to encourage young people to enlighten themselves.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

NBA Lock-Out frustrations have reached HBO's Bryant Gumbel

Reading about Bryant Gumbel's statements concerning NBA commissioner David Stern made me think about how if caucasian men of power view black people who work under them as their slaves.
The fact that the NBA lock-out does not only affect black players ruled out the race issue from my theory. From there I started to wonder if its all people in positions of power who look at all people under them as slaves. And i'm not saying slaves in the sense that they do all of the work and the people in charge do nothing, but in that they do more than the people in charge, get paid less and are looked down upon. Often times i've been in situations where I feel like the person who works above me does less work than i did, but in the back of my mind i always knew that it would be hard for me to tolerate the work that they did.
In a situation like the NBA that feeling might be vise versa. It is clear the the players work much harder than the owners and other persons of power in this industry.
So why is David Stern making it so hard for this lockout to be over? In his statement Gumbel referred to the NBA dress code (and know we all remember that), the question is what was the reason for even that? Maybe it was a way for Stern to just show everyone that he is the one in charge. Think about it...
Bryant Gumbel's comments about NBA Commish

Love & Peace Family

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Detroit on the "Come Up"...

I read an article in USA Today a couple of days ago that said Detroit is starting to roll again, I firmly disagree with that statement. I say this because anyone who lives or lived in Detroit knows that it started rolling as soon as we crashed, it just takes a long time to rebuild a city (especially one with an economy like ours.) USA Today used the fact that the Lions, Tigers, and Red Wings are winning so Detroit is on its way back. While it is a good look that our teams are winning, need I remind you that we've had a championship NBA and NHL team in the past which changed nothing. It didn't bring people back to live in Detroit having that big Pistons parade on Woodward, or the Red Wings Stanley Cup Celebration and it won't.
Those of you who haven't been to Detroit in the past few years don't know how big the urban art scene is there. Let me be the one to inform you that is huge and only getting bigger. Artists young and old have come together to form a sort of Detroit art mash-up. We no longer only have Arts, Beats, and Eats once a year and the DIA (no diss), there are free galleries all over downtown detroit.
To those of us who stuck with Detroit through all of its rough (lol and I mean rough) times, this new contemporary art scene in Detroit is a shining beacon of hope. Though I'm not in the D now I plan to be back there soon to see all of the progress we've made since I last visited.

Detroit Museum of Contemporary Art

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama dead; What this really Means

I know all of you have had at least one debate or at least a thought about what the death of Osama Bin Laden means for Americans. Does it mean the end of the war on terror or does it mean that we should brace ourselves for an attack. Is this just a ploy of the Obama Administration to boost the big guy's approval rating or is it legit? I feel as Americans we never know 100% unless the facts and proof are thrown right into our faces. This is the result of cover-ups and miraculous acts around re-election time in the past.
In my opinion Americans should feel only one way about the death of Osama Bin Laden; normal. I know that most people celebrated when they heard that the monster behind the terrorist attacks on 9/11 had been killed, but it's now time to just get back to the norm. You are no more safe now than you were when he was alive. The souls of the lives lost have been resting in peace since the tragic accident...

Love & Peace Family

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


There is nothing Tay loves more than a sexy girl that knows how to flirt, so naturally the the thing that i hate most is sexy girls that don't know how to flirt, right? Wrong. Due to the shortage of sexy, flirty women i've been forced to embrace the chicks who don't really know how to flirt. This shortage has made my game a lot stronger and has made me more flexible (if that makes any sense). I do have friends (male & female) who only wait to be flirted with; while they're waiting, i'm flirting. Im posting this to encourage you guys to stop waiting to be flirted with, be flirty yourselves.  

Appreciate the Art of Hating

Haters put a lot of effort into what they do. If someone hates on you that means that they have taken the time out of their busy day (or not) to think about you and how they plan to hate. Haters love to hate and nothing makes them feel better. We as Hatees should be honored that we make them feel so good. So don't get discouraged when haters hate on you, feel special because the haters chose you :-). Haters keep hating and We'll keep doing what we do.Team RELYable

Love & Peace Family


Recently i have noticed a lot of people (including myself) allowing negativity to affect how they act; this has to stop. We shouldn't allow people to transfer their negativity onto us in any situation. Usually i try to avoid all people who i see being negative or even get negative vibes from, but as of late i've embraced everyone. This was a huge mistake on my part because i let those people in (socially) which enabled them to pass their negative attitude onto me. I'm happy i caught it before it got too bad. Hopefully you caught it before negativity overtook you.    

Love & Peace Family

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sex is Zen

i've been thinking lately (about everything) and i have come the conclusion that sex is zen. What i mean is when you have sex on a regular basis you are happier and more centered. I believe that human beings are meant to have regular sex. i feel as if everyone had regular (good) sex people would be more in touch with their true selves. there would be no war. Think about it, when you go without it some things irritate you that may not irritate you when you you get it on the regular. sex is like the ultimate relaxation influence. i don't know about you but when i have good sexual intercourse on a regular basis, the world just seems a bit sweeter. If you  think i'm wrong, try and see for yourself. start having sex on the regular and watch how much better and stress free life is.

Love, Peace & Good Sex Family

Friday, March 25, 2011

Are Ladies not checking for the Trainers?

Nike Lunar Glide 2 (The Shoes I Wore)
The other day i was walking into Wal-Mart and to no surprise to me a nice looking chick in was checking me out. She looked right in my face smiled looked down at my shoes and rolled her eyes. Lol. Now the shoes that was wearing weren't beat up or even raggedy, they were a pair of Nike trainers. Not only was I in a deep telephone conversation with my sister about the lack of shopping carts at this particular Wal-Mart, but I was also in a rush to get to the restroom in the store so what this young lady did didn't really hit me until i'd began shopping. It brought this question to mind; does the type of shoes a guy is wearing affect how women look at them? Now i don't have an answer for this question as of yet but i plan on finding one. The shoe thing is not an issue for me but i was just curious to know if a man has to bring out his "A" game every time or can we ever get a break.  If you think you can help me to answer either of these questions, post a comment. But if you are as stumped as I am just be looking out for further updates in the future...

Love & Peace Family

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Workout Rut

When working out beware of the Workout Rut. The workout rut is caused basically by your body getting used to the workouts that you do. Soon not only will your body get used to the workout but also so mind. This post was inspired when i was in the gym last night with a friend and my body wasn't up to do anything. My mind was always there to encourage my body but there was not a lot of physical effort put in. Today when my workout time came around, both my mind and body where uninterested in working out, causing me to have to miss a workout day. A couple of google searches and a brief overview of my workouts the last past couple of weeks i knew what the issue was; workout rut. i had allowed myself to get bored with my workout routine. One way to avoid doing this is to keep new exercises incorporated into your workout. The object of this is to keep your muscles guessing. This will ensure that your body or mind will never get bored with your routine. I just had to inform you of this before it happens to you...

Love & Peace Family

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Casual Sex

A lot of you may not be aware of the fact that I am one of the biggest supporters of casual sex. I have yet to spot a flaw in this system. Sure i've seen the movies with the guys who get lonely and long for relationships or something real but i have yet to encounter this problem. If i do at one point in time get lonely i plan to get a dog. In my opinion there are just too many different types of beautiful women in this world with different personalities and stories to share for me to just be with 1. I know some of you are shaking your heads and calling me all kinds of names but i also know that i'm getting through to someone right now. I love women... I do, and i'm not out to hurt them or mistreat them, i just think that casual sex is easier on the heart than relationships. This is no disrespect to people in relationships. When I see people in healthy relationships it's beautiful, i just feel like having F*ck buddies is a better situation. Don't read this and avoid relationships from now on, this is just my opinion. if you feel differently, prove me wrong. If you can't, Shut Up. lol

Love & Peace Family