
Our business here at FootsNotes is to encourage young people to enlighten themselves.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Today will not be here Tomorrow

Lately i've been thinking about how valuable life is and how much we take for granted in our lives. I encourage all of my readers to go out and do whatever it is you want to do right now because tomorrow is not promised. I was watching the first season of Californication the other night and a character said "Life's too short to dance with fat chicks."(No dis to full figured women) The way i took this saying was that you cant keep putting off what you want because before you know it it'll be too late. Another interpretation of this quote might be that you should never settle for less than what you want. You only get to see today once so get out there and enjoy it. Talk to the bad chick walking down the street, smile at the cute boy looking at you from across the room, eat at that restaurant you've been hearing about, or read that book you always said you wanted to read. Trust me once you start doing it you'll wonder how you lived without it.

The future depends on what you do today
-Mahatma Ghandi
As always, Love & Peace Family

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Foots' Workout Tips

A lot of people ask how I lost so much weight in such a short time (250 to 180 in 8 mos.) and I always reply in some form "easy." Let me clear things up right now, its not that easy. It takes dedication, discipline, and (you know i'm going to say it) hard work. Before you even start working out have to set a goal for yourself. It doesn't necessarily have to be a big goal, but a goal (maybe 1-10lbs). Then you have to make a plan to reach that goal. Every aspect of your life must have to be built around that goal (you never want other areas in your life to start to fall off because of your diet & workout). So what this means is your job, your homework, your spouse, your god etc. all need not to interfere with your dedication to this plan. Next is the most difficult part of it all, the discipline. You must discipline your body as well as your diet so that you can meet your goal in whatever time period you have set for yourself. If you want to wake up early and bust out some cardio, you have to train your body to do it (this won't be easy at first). If you want to eat less red meat, you must train your diet to deal with this. The next step to me is the easiest; hard work. Working hard to me is 90% mental. All I need is a playlist full of good workout music or a good football or basketball game on and i'm straight. You might need something else to get motivated, it's up to you to figure out what it is. The worst mistake I see people make is inconsistency. Shoot for balanced workouts and you can't fail. These are the 3 things you will need to be successful in your workout efforts. Once you get these steps under control, then you will be able to say that its "easy." And when you reach your goal, keep going don't stop. Trust me the only thing stopping you from getting in shape is YOU.

Side Note- Try to take it easy the first week or two to get your body used to what your doing and then kick it up to the next notch...

Love & Peace Family

Black History Month

I encourage people of all races and nationalities to celebrate black history month. It's not only for Black Americans to celebrate how far we've come as a ppl, but for all Americans to celebrate the progress we've made over the years. I also encourage this celebration to exceed the shortest month of the year and go on for years to come. In the future I want for my kids to be shocked that people were treated differently because of the color of their skin. I know it sounds lame but we are agents of change. It's time now for our generation to change the world and make it a better place for our children... so go ahead, go out and start now

Love & Peace Family

Monday, February 7, 2011

What If...

You'll notice in the future a lot of posts entitled "What If"... I often do a bunch thinking in the world of "What If"(don't ask why). Some ppl say it unhealthy to visit that world, but f*ck them...
Sitting here watching Jurassic Park i'm thinking what if Dinosaurs were still around or better yet what if somebody brought them back like in the movie. Is it lame that i think that would be dope? The world would just not be the same if they just roamed around so they would definitely have to be kept in zoos (like Jurassic Park) but, as the movie shows, nothing can contain these huge creatures. People would not live life the way they do today. We would have to worry about getting eaten or stepped on on the way to work. Think about all of the technological advances we on the brink of now; stem-cell research, cloning, etc. Just how long will it be before they (we) figure out how to bring them back? What type of person would you be if there were huge lizards running around? Think about it...

lol don't mind me i'm just rambling

This Has to Stop

So I walk into Panera to grab a little broccoli and cheddar soup for lunch and I spot a nice little chick sitting near the window reading. The cashier gives me the buzzer and says it'll be a few minutes. Im thinking "perfect" thats all the time I need to get this girl. I walk over and take a seat and immediately she smiles. So I ask her name and what she's doing for the rest of the day and all of a sudden a silver tongue ring come out of her mouth and she gives it a big suck before pulling it back in and saying "nothin"...now imma stop the story right there because I see no need in going on. Why did she do that? That one action made her extremely unattractive to me. Now I got nothing against tongue rings, I think they're extremely sexy (as well as other piercings) but don't suck on it while a guy (or anyone) is trying to talk to you (if you're interested).... that little buzzer saved that girl cuz i was definitely about to puke all over her LMAO

P.S. i still got her number

S/O to Panera with the speedy service.

Question thats been bothering me all day

Fellas would yall rather have a Bad Chick with a F*cked up weave or some Fresh Kicks with dirty laces. The initial thought came across my mind when i saw this decent chick on Michigan Ave. with a horrible weave but fresh kicks with dirty laces. I was both disgusted and intrigued. I immediately started to think "what if she was cold... would it matter if her laces were dirty" then I started to think about possible causes of the battered weave and muddy laces... I came up with nothing. About 23 minutes into my 10:30 class i started to think(daydream) about which would I rather have if I had to choose; Bad Chick with the F*cked Up weave or Fresh Kicks with dirty ass laces. I've come to the conclusion that i'm never gonna come to a decision alone (seeing as how I love women and shoes so much) so since i got a blog now ill just ask the world.... please be honest

Bad Breath

Its been brought to my attention by a female friend of mine that bad breath is a major deal breaker when it comes to finding that special someone. It didn't really occur to me at the time, but now I realize that thats pretty ridiculous. Not the fact that bad breath is a deal breaker but the fact that we as men in this day in age still have issues with bad breath. Now i know some of you are reading this going "what does the time we live in have to do with how our breath smells..." In the time in which we live there are a large amount of options one could use to freshen breath that our fathers simply didn't have... we have gum, tic tacs, mouthwash, and we even have those little dissolving mint strips (if they still sell those); all of these products I just mentioned come in a variety of flavors and sizes and prices range from cheap to expensive. This is no dis to anyone, i'm just saying we gotta step it up... its 2011. Remember my dudes "you can't get bad chicks with bad breath." Oh and ladies yall don't be too shy to take a SWIG of that mouthwash too.